Lyons Parent Information
For a successful school year, make attendance a priority!!
Questions regarding specific addresses may be referred to Lyons School Office, 755-1480
School Begins at 8:55 am and ends at 3:50 pm
Lunch periods:
11:30 -12:10 3rd & 4th Grade
Eat/Play Mrs. Perkins & Ms. Rau
Play/Eat Mr. Rivera & Ms. Trumble
12:20 - 1:00 pm 1st Grade & 2nd Grade
Eat/Play Mrs. Jones & Ms. Mejorado
Play/Eat Mrs. Blumerich & Ms. Burton
1:10 - 1:50 pm Kindergarten
Eat/Play Mr. Chase & Ms. Klintworth
NO LUNCHES are served on half days!
Students begin at 8:55 and are dismissed at 11:45 am on district half days
No lunches are served on district half days.
All visitors must enter the building through the main front doors, and must check in at the office.
When you come to pick up your child, he/she will be called to the office by the secretary, and you must sign your child out with the provided QR Code on our Front Door Entrance.
Please call the school office, 755-1480, if your child is going to be absent.
Also, call the office (755-1480) BEFORE 9:00 am if your child will be late and needs a hot lunch.
Parents will be called immediately after attendance is taken if a child is listed as absent and no call has been received.
Please make sure your child knows in the morning whether they will be picked up, are to ride the bus, or are to walk home. When classes are being dismissed and walking out of the building, it is not always possible to get a message to your child at the end of the day. Any after school schedule or transportation change must be called in prior to 3:00 pm.
If you sign your child up for choir or drama, please remind him/her to stay for practice. A simple note to the teacher saying you do not want your child to stay for whatever reason on a given day will avoid having a child go home when you are not there. In other words, children who sign up for choir or drama will not be allowed to get on the bus without a note to the classroom teacher stating that your child is to ride home and miss practice for that day.
Free Breakfast is served in the classroom to any child who wishes to eat.
There is no cost for school lunches.
Milk $ .40 (for those who bring a cold lunch)
School employees cannot dispense medication unless a written consent form, signed by parents and the doctor, is on file in the school office. New medication forms are required yearly. You may pick up the form in the office before taking your child to the doctor.
All medicine must be taken to the school office along with the signed consent form. All medication must be in their original packaging and must be clearly labeled with the child's name, type of medication, and dosage requirements. Children are not allowed to keep any medications with them. Parents are welcome to come to school to give medication. This includes cough drops, Tylenol, aspirin, cough medicine, etc.
Lost and found items are placed in the hall by the office. Please put your child's name in clothing (jackets, sweatshirts, sweaters, shoes, etc.) and also in lunch boxes and bags. MANY items are left each year and are donated at the end of the school year.
The Superintendent meets regularly with Key Communicators from each school to discuss district issues. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Nedziwe with any questions or concerns you have with our school or the district - 755-1480.
Mrs. Nedziwe is always happy to speak with parents about any concerns they may have. If you wish to speak with her, it would be best to call, and if she is not in her office, leave a voice mail message (755-1481). She will get back with you as soon as possible.