Credit Recovery Program Registration

Ebersole Center's Credit Recovery Programs:  
  • Who is eligible to attend?  Any currently enrolled Lansing School District scholar that has been invited to attend.  If demand for these courses exceeds the available seats, priority will be given to scholars in the 2023, 2024, and 2025 graduating cohorts.       
  • What is included in this opportunity?  The Lansing School District is excited to offer Ebersole Credit Recovery Programs.  Participating scholars will be provided transportation and food for the duration of the program.  Note that these are overnight experiences that require a commitment to attend for the full duration of the program.    
  • When will these programs take place?  We offer multiple programs throughout the year.       
  • Where will these programs take place?  These programs will take place at the Lansing School District's Ebersole Center located in Wayland, MI. 
  • Where can I register my student for these programs?  If you continue scrolling down you will see the program registration.     

Directions:  Thank you for your interest in the Ebersole Credit Recovery Programs.  By completing this form, you are one step closer to achieving your goal of graduation.  Please fully complete, and submit, the registration form below.  Should you have any additional questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at 517-755-5001.

Access the Packing List.  

With gratitude and appreciation, Ben Botwinski (Ebersole Director)

Ebersole Credit Recovery Program Registration

Special Note: You will need a program code to complete your registration. The program code is a series of two letters followed by six numbers (for example EB082524). You can obtain the program code from a school counselor or graduation specialist.
I understand that it is a privilege to be invited to attend this unique learning opportunity and that the singular goal of this experience is to assist me in accomplishing my goal of graduating high school. As such, while at the Ebersole Center, I will act with integrity and adhere to the highest standards of personal behavior including (but not limited to) the following: I commit to treating others with respect and dignity; I commit to speaking with honesty and care; I commit to taking responsibility for my learning and behavior; I commit to actively seeking clarification and support from others; and I commit to working diligently to accomplish my goal(s).
STOP. WAIT. Special Note. Only continue completing this form if this is your first time attending the Ebersole Center during the 2024-2025 academic year. If you have already attended an overnight Ebersole Center event this school year, we will already have your information on file and there is no need to complete the rest of this form. Please skip to the bottom, answer the security question, and hit "Submit".
Special Note: We will assume that the PRIMARY Emergency Contact is the parent/guardian listed above.
Help for If YES, please provide the name of the SUBSCRIBER for the medical insurance policy: The SUBSCRIBER is the individual who's name the medical insurance is under. This is usually the person who's name is on the medical insurance card.
If YES, name the item(s) that this student is allergic to and indicate the reaction.
Select all that apply to this student's diet.
Select all that apply to this student's sleeping habits.
Special Note: A Health Officer is staffed on-site at the Ebersole Center 24 hours a day when students are present. The Health Officer is responsible for distributing all medications to students.
Special Note: All medication listed on this form must come with the student. All prescriptions - including inhalers and EPI-Pens – MUST be in the original box or bottle showing the student's name, what time the medication is taken, and the dose.
Special Note: Medication is any substance a person takes to maintain and/or improve their health. This includes vitamins and natural remedies. Please provide enough of each medication to last the entire time the student will be at camp. Expired prescriptions will not be dispensed.
Student's Medications:
The Lansing School District occasionally use photographs and/or video of students for promotional purposes through broadcast, print, or social media. Please review the options and select one that best describes your wishes in regards to CAMP photo and video usage.
Special Note: If there is a religious objection to consenting to receipt of emergency medical or surgical treatment, the authorized person shall submit a written statement to the effect that the student is in good health and that the person signing assumes the health responsibility for the student.
Special Note: State of Michigan licensing rule 400.11127(2) states that a camp shall maintain, in the camp, a health history statement signed by an authorized person for each student and minor staff person.
Security Check - To verify you are not a robot, please answer this question:

11,500 Enrollment by 2025
85% Graduation Rate by 2025
90% Attendance by 2025