Welcome to

Mt. Hope STEAM


Grades 4-8

During the construction of the new building, Mt. Hope will be located at the former Woodcreek school. 

School Hours 2024-25 School Year

7:40 a.m. - 2:35 p.m.
Half day 7:40 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

The safest and best route to Mt. Hope is off of Jolly Road.
1. Turn Right off of Jolly until S. Waverly Road
2. Turn left into “Twin Oaks” Apartment Complex which is on BURNEWAY Rd)
3. Make a right on SEAWAY
4. Travel until you reach CHADBURNE
5. Continue on CHADBURNE until you reach TELLER Trail
6. Turn Right on TELLER Trail
7. Travel TELLER and turn right on WINDWARD
8. WINDWARD turns into BAYVIEW
9. Travel BAYVIEW until you reach WOODCREEK LANE
10. Turn left on WOODCREEK LANE and Mt. Hope is on your right

Students at Mt. Hope STEAM Magnet School experience an engaging, project-based learning environment that gives them the opportunity to show what they know and apply what they are learning. Students think critically, work in teams, and showcase their knowledge through multi-media presentations.

STEAM is an educational approach to learning that uses science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking.

S – Science (understanding how our world works)
T – Technology (using tools and processes designed to make our lives easier)
E – Engineering (creating our designed world and solving problems)
A – Arts (appreciating fine art, performing and visual art, computer-aided designs, communicating)
M – Mathematics (using mathematical reasoning, skills, procedures, and processes to analyze our world)

External LinkLearn more about our Magnet Schools!

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11,500 Enrollment by 2025
85% Graduation Rate by 2025
90% Attendance by 2025

Title IX - Sex Discrimination/Gender Equity/Sexual Harassment

What is Title IX?

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any District program, service or activity including, but not limited to: educational programs or activities, e.g., extracurricular activities, student services, academic counseling, discipline, classroom assignment, grading, athletics, transportation, etc.

Unlawful Discriminatory Practices Under Title IX

Sexual Harassment (unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature)

Sexual Misconduct/Violence (rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual exploitation and other forms of non-consensual sexual activity)

Stalking (repeatedly following, harassing, threatening or intimidating including by telephone, mail, electronic communication or social media)

Retaliation (adverse academic or other actions against anyone reporting or participating in an investigation of Title IX allegations)

PDF DocumentSexual Misconduct Policy
PDF DocumentSeptember 30, 2020 - Clark Hill Power Point Presentation
PDF DocumentTitle IX Grievance Procedures
PDF DocumentInvestigation Procedures A to Z - November 2, 2020

Reporting Prohibited Behavior

Members of the school district community who believe that a Title IX violation may have occurred, should discuss their concerns and/or file a complaint with the District’s Title IX coordinator:

Anti-Harassment Compliance Officers are in the Sexual Misconduct Policy (PDF) and Title IX Grievance Procedure (PDF).

Erin Miracle
Human Resources Manager

519 W. Kalamazoo 
Lansing, MI 48933



PDF DocumentHelp Hotline Phone Numbers

Title IX concerns can also be mailed to:
Lansing School District
519 West Kalamazoo
Lansing, MI 48933