Mt. Hope Parent Information
If your child is going to be absent or tardy, it is important that you call the school attendance line as soon as possible at 755-1555.
Bringing items to school
Items such as radios, MP3 players, tape recorders, electronic games, etc., should not be brought to school by students. Toys, scooters, skateboards, and roller blades are not allowed. Phones will be secured by the teacher or the office every day. We ask that phones by turned into the teacher in the morning so that they are not a distraction during the day. Students pick them up at the end of the day. If phones are found out with the student using it without teacher permission during the day they will be confiscated and parents notified of what level they are at, the phone may need to be picked up by a parent for it to be returned to them if it has been more than one time in the school year. Eventually for repeated violations, that student will be banned from having a phone at school and can be suspended for insubordination.
Drop-off and pick-up procedures
Students should be on the school grounds at 7:21 AM when the first bell rings. Students may be picked up when school is dismissed at 2:40 PM. The school parking lot is reserved for staff. Please park on Schubel or Harding in areas that are not designated as bus loading zones. Please encourage your student to use the skywalk when crossing Mt. Hope Avenue. We also ask that you pick up and drop off on the same side of the road as the school is so that students do not have to cross the road to get to or from the school.
When there is no school in the afternoon, students will be dismissed at 10:30 AM.
Arriving Late and/or Leaving early
Please sign your student in or out at the main office. If at all possible, please schedule appointments after school is out.
Lost and Found
There is a "Lost and Found" area across from the secretary's office. Please mark your children's rainwear, hats, coats, mittens, jackets, etc with his/her name. We have many items each year which are never claimed.
Progress Reports
Students are formally evaluated four times each year. Copies of the progress report are given to parents during fall and spring parent-teacher conferences. Progress reports will also be sent home with students every two weeks. Remember, you may always schedule additional conferences with your child's teacher or the principal throughout the school year. Students assignments and grades may also be monitored on ParentVue.
School Records
Under federal law, your child's school records are available for your inspection. To review your child's records, please contact the principal.
Student Dress
The Board of Education policy states the students, along with their parents, have the responsibility to dress themselves so that it is not disturbing to other students who should be concentrating on learning activities. No short shorts, see-through tops, or halter tops are allowed. Footwear should be worn by all students at all times and "flip flops or slides" are not allowed. Belts should be worn to prevent sagging pants. Hats and hoods need to be off when entering the school building and kept off while inside the school.
The Lansing School District has a strict policy regarding the administration of medicine. NO MEDICINE (INCLUDING NON-PRESCRIPTION DRUGS) WILL BE GIVEN UNLESS BOTH THE PARENT AND PHYSICIAN GIVE WRITTEN CONSENT AND DIRECTIONS. Yellow medication forms are available in the office for this purpose.
Updated 2/08/2021