Welcome Ebersole Supporters
Thank you so much for your willingness to give back to the center and to our campers. There are many ways (see details below) to get involved. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 517-755-5000 or 517-755-5001.
With gratitude and appreciation, Ben Botwinski (Ebersole Director)
Volunteer at the Center
Individual or Group Volunteers: The Ebersole Center is fortunate to have a few dedicated volunteers (but there is always room for more) to help us maintain our beautiful grounds and facilities. Whether you are a tradesperson, someone with a "green thumb" looking to help us plant flowers, ready to remove some invasive plant species, or willing to support our programming work with kids there is always plenty to do here at the Ebersole Center.
Community Service: We have many opportunities and projects for teens and adults to complete community service hours for school, college, or church.
Scout Programs: The Ebersole Center is proud to collaborate with local Scouting troops to complete community service, Eagle Scout projects, etc. We have a wide variety of projects for potential scouts and troops to select.
Corporate Partnerships: We are always looking to form partnerships with local businesses to support our students and the center. Want to hold a "service day" with your staff? We can help!
Volunteer Forms:
- Volunteer Description - Short description of the various ways that volunteers can help.
- Background Check Form - All volunteers must complete this form prior to volunteering.
- Background Check Form - Same as above just the Google Form version.
Join the Ebersole Foundation
Another exciting way to support the Ebersole Center is to consider joining the Ebersole Foundation. The Ebersole Foundation is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes; more specifically, to raise funds to assist the Ebersole Center in land acquisition, capital improvements, stewardship activities, program development, and to subsidize the cost of attendance for Lansing students.
The Ebersole Foundation meets monthly (in Lansing). For additional information about the Ebersole Foundation please visit their Facebook page or website.