Donate a Horse
Our horses are a part of our team; without them, we wouldn’t be able to serve our students. Our horses help us teach therapeutic riding lessons, community lessons and even allow some of our students to compete at horse shows. We have specific character traits and skills we look for in our new animals. If you are interested in donating a horse, please read through our criteria and selection process.
We are looking for horses between the ages of eight to sixteen; preferably, any horse donated to the program would be under 17hh. We are unable to accept stallions. The horse needs to be sound with good conformation and have minimal maintenance. The horse must be able to walk, trot, and canter in both directions with little to no extra training needed. Additionally, being a therapy and lesson horse can be a challenging job, so any horse we accept into our program should be tolerant and understanding of their rider’s needs.
If your horse fits the criteria listed above, they may be brought in for a trial period. The owner must agree for the horse to complete a 30-day trial at our facility. During this trial period, the horse will go through exercises to determine if it is a fit for the Equine Center for Learning’s program. This includes our mounting block, sure hands lift, different leaders, lesson activities, and more. All of these exercises will help us determine if the horse is a fit for our program.