Bilingual Education
Our mission is to foster an educational system that embraces refugee, immigrant, and language minority students. We seek to provide services and a learning environment where students can succeed, participate fully at all levels, and achieve their full potential.
For the district, we provide a centralized location for data, assessment, staffing, resources and services to bilingual students, families, and LSD staff.
Did you know in the 23-24 School Year...
19.5% of LSD (PreK-12) students identified that a language(s) other than English was spoken in the home.
17.2% of LSD (K-12) students were Multilingual Learners and received English Language Development (ELD) support services
We have welcomed students from 72 different countries who speak 56 languages

Dr. Eva L. Evans Welcome Center
2400 Pattengill Ave, Lansing, MI 48910
Monday thru Friday: 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Deputy Superintendent of Special Populations
Sergio Keck - Deputy Superintendent of Special Populations | 517-755-2946
Director of Special Populations
Nicole Namy - Director of Special Populations | 517-755-2945
Bilingual Intake Office
Trisha Black - Special Populations Specialist | 517-755-1143
Extended Learning and Outreach
Rebecca Douglas - Extended Learning and Outreach Specialist | 517-755-2948
Multilingual & Newcomer Specialist
Sahar Mahmood - Multilingual & Newcomer Specialist | 517-755-2949
Multilingual Student & Family Support
Marisol Garcia - Spanish Family Advocate | 517-755-2947
Social Emotional Support
Sarah Moss, LLBSW - ELD Mentoring Liaison | 517-755-5525
ELD Instructional Coach
Heather Hoisington - K-8 ELD Instructional Coach | 517-755-2822
Data and Assessment
Viktoria Carr - Data and Assessment Technician
Newcomer Center
Tarek Al Zoughbi - Newcomer Center Manager