Physical Plant
This office oversees the following departments and functions:
- Bond Projects
- Capital Improvement and Facilities Planning
- Distribution and Warehouse Services
- Food Services
- Physical Plant: Custodial Services, Energy Management & Projects, Grounds Services, Maintenance Services
- Pupil Transportation
Energy Conservation Guidelines
Custodial Issues
Request for relief/substitute custodial staffing can be phoned into the Physical Plant Department. Questions regarding general custodial issues may be directed to the custodial supervisors at the Physical Plant.
Maintenance Issues
Requests for emergency repairs (health, safety & security-related items) are to be phoned into the Physical Plant Department. Requests for routine maintenance repairs are to be submitted by building custodians to the Physical Plant through the computerized work order system. Questions regarding general maintenance issues or specific repair requests can be direct to the appropriate Physical Plant supervisor.
Grounds Issues
At secondary buildings the grounds person and head custodian are responsible for grounds-related issues. At elementary buildings, the day custodian is responsible for grounds-related issues. Concerns may be directed to the grounds supervisor.
Contact Us
Office (517) 755-3000
Fax (517) 755-3009
Lori Brandon |
Cynthia Armstead |
Director of Operations | Administrative Secretary | | |
Caleb Thelen |
Facilities Manager | | |