Attendance Department

4200 Wainwright Avenue  |  Lansing, MI 48911
Phone: (517) 755-2800    Fax: (517) 755-2809

The Board of Education believes that attendance is a key factor in student achievement and that any absences from school represent an educational loss to the student. Regular and punctual patterns of attendance shall be expected of each student enrolled in the Lansing School District.

While it is recognized that absence from school is necessary under certain conditions, every effort should be made by students, parents/guardians, teachers and administrators to keep absences and tardiness to a minimum.

Student attendance at school is the responsibility of the parent/ guardian and student. In order for parents/ guardians to fulfill their responsibility, the school must keep them informed of student absences and attendance patterns.

An adequate and comprehensive system of attendance records shall be maintained for each student. Each teacher is responsible for accurate reporting of daily attendance in his/her classroom. The principal shall be accountable for ensuring the accuracy of all attendance records for his/ her school.

Absences, even though verified by the parent/guardian, which are excessive and/or interfere with the student’s educational program, will be investigated by school district personnel.

All students shall have the opportunity to make up schoolwork missed due to absences. However, it shall be the student’s responsibility to secure the assignments and return them within the time agreed upon with each teacher

Is My Child's Absence Excused?

An absence is excused if notification is received by the school within ten (10) school days after the absence and the absence is due to one of the following reasons:

  • Parent Excused Illness (up to and including 10 a year) Absences after 10 a year, will not be excused unless accompanied by a medical (physician) excuse
  • Funerals
  • School Related (suspensions, late bus, administrative reasons, field trips, etc.)
  • Legal/Court Appearances
  • Incarceration
  • Medical (Physician) Excused
  • Religious Observations



Students are expected to arrive at school before school begins each day. The importance of regular attendance is a significant lesson to be learned in school. Learning is taking place each day in class. These learning experiences can never be duplicated. When a student is not in attendance, he/she is missing a valuable portion of his/her education.

A K-12 student is considered absent when they miss the entire class period. A student is tardy when he/ she misses up to 15 minutes of a class period. The student is considered Arrived Late (AL) when they arrive after 15 minutes from the start of the class period. Students who leave a class period prior to the scheduled end time and do not return will be considered Left Early (LE).



Bryan Crenshaw

Attendance Specialist


Charles Timms

Attendance Specialist


11,500 Enrollment by 2025
85% Graduation Rate by 2025
90% Attendance by 2025