Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness programs and services support the Lansing Public School District community by promoting health, maintaining a safe environment, preventing disease, and minimizing the impact of disability.

4200 Wainwright Avenue  |  Lansing, MI 48911

Phone: (517) 755-4964   Fax: (517) 755-5489

Susan Wheeler 

Director of Health 

(517) 755-5487


Susan Lynn

(517) 755-5484

Tamara Treat 

Nurse Coordinator

(517) 755-5485


Jaime Croley
(517) 755-5483


Martha Thelen

(517) 755-5491

Kate McCarthy

(517) 755-5765


MaryBeth Braddick

 Dwight Rich 


Randi Trumble

(517) 755-5482

Jennifer Davis



Kristina Eklund


Lori Rosendale


Connie Smith




What is the Role of the School Nurse?

School nursing, a specialized practice of nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates optimal development, and advances academic success. School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders who bridge health care and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potential.  Adopted by the NASN Board of Directors February 2017.

Students with Special Health Needs

Your child may have special needs that you would like us to know about. Health conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes, seizures or other issues may require your child to have an individualized health plan, emergency plan, or medication at school. Your school nurse will work with you to coordinate your child's care at school and ensure that school staff are properly trained regarding your child's health needs. 

When should I keep my child home from school due to illness? 

According to Lansing Public School Guidelines, students will be excluded from school if they have the following symptoms of illness OR communicable disease: 

  •  Fever 100 (F) or higher
  • Body aches
  • Diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea
  • New cough or change in cough
  • Shortness of breath or wheezing
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Significant headache
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Sores on skin with pus or liquid drainage
  • Stiff neck or back
  • Unexplained rash

Please contact your school nurse if you have questions or would like to discuss your child's symptoms. 

What if my child needs medication during the school day? 

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are urged to give medication and provide medical treatment at home and on a schedule other than school hours when possible. Medication includes prescription and non­prescription medication, homeopathic remedy, herbal remedy, vitamin and/or mineral supplements that may be taken by any route. If it is necessary that medication and/or treatment be provided during school hours, the following regulations must be followed: 

  1. A Medication Authorization form must be signed by the parent/guardian and the physician. A Medication Authorization form may be obtained on our website or by contacting your child's school.
  2. Any changes in medication dose, route, schedule or discontinuation of medication must be communicated to the school and a new Medication Authorization form must be completed, signed, and submitted.
  3. Medication must be brought to school in the original pharmacy container with the original label. Label must include the name of the student, the name of the medication, the name of the prescriber, the dose, time to be given, route and expiration date.
  4. Medical treatment supplies shall be provided for school use for each student by Parent/Guardian as needed.
  5. Medication must be picked up within three (3) days after the end of the school year or it shall be discarded.
  6. Medication Authorization forms must be renewed annually.
What if my child needs a medical procedure to be completed during the school day? 
  1. A health care providers order must be presented to your child's school for all medical procedures or treatments. The order must include specific procedure or treatment needed, schedule, supplies, and specific instructions for completing the procedure or treatment.
  2. The health care provider's orders must be renewed each year.
  3. Medical procedure or treatment supplies shall be provided by the Parent/Guardian for school use for each student as needed.
  4. A consent for exchange of health information must be completed for the school nurse and the health care provider ordering the medical procedure.
  5. A consent form may be obtained on our website or at your child's school.
  6. Consent forms must be renewed annually.
  7. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are urged to give medication and provide medical treatment at home and on a schedule other than school hours when possible. If it is necessary that a medical treatment be provided during school hours, the following regulations must be followed: 
Can my child administer their own medications at school?

 Self-administration/possession of medication is allowed in compliance with the rules of the LPSD medication policy. Students may be allowed to carry inhalers, epi-pens, insulin, and glucagon if appropriate. Contact your school nurse if you would like more information about student self-administration of medication. 

What if my child has a life-threatening allergic reaction while at school? 

Each of our schools are provided an emergency use Epi-Pen and Epi-Pen Jr. Our school nurses and Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT) members are trained in the administration of emergency epinephrine. 
In the event that your child encounters a life-threatening allergen, an Epi-pen may be used, EMS will be activated, and you will be notified. 

What if my child has a medical emergency while at school? 

Maintaining a safe and injury-free environment is of primary importance to the Board of Education and the entire Lansing Public School District. In the event of a medical emergency, District staff will secure appropriate medical assistance for all students of the Lansing Public School District while in school or engaged in any sanctioned school activities.

Will my child's medical information be kept confidential? 

Yes. Our school nurses and district staff are required by federal privacy laws (FERPA) to protect your child's educational records, which include medical information provided to the school. Parent/Guardian consent will be obtained prior to sharing this information with a third party. 

COVID-19 Coordination

Phone: (517) 755-1500   Email:

The Lansing School District established the COVID-19 Coordination Team to serve as the central information,  management, and monitoring control center for the district. The Coordination Team is comprised of our eleven (11) school nurses, and 3 Health Resource Advocates. They are responsible for the development and distribution of COVID district protocols, coordination of health screening procedures, assisting those impacted by COVID, and coordination with the Ingham County Health Department.

COVID-19 Resources

PDF Document2024-25 COVID-19 Exposure Protocol
PDF Document2024-25 COVID-19 Protocol

COVID-19 Weekly Metrics

11,500 Enrollment by 2025
85% Graduation Rate by 2025
90% Attendance by 2025