Sign-up for IEPs and 504 Plans, What is the Difference?

Sign up for "IEPs and 504 Plans, What is the Difference?"

Facilitator - Harmonee Castillo LSD Special Ed Director
Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 5:30-6:30pm

The Lansing School District is currently comprised of a Special Education population of 20% which means that 1 out of every 5 students in the district has an IEP. But what exactly is an IEP (Individualized Education Plan)? What is a 504 Plan? Are they the same thing? What rights does my child have as a student in the district who is receiving special education services? The facilitator of this workshop will provide participants with strategies and resources to support their child with their individualized education plan, as well as assist in diminishing some of the misconceptions related to special education laws and procedural safeguards.


Parent University Signup - Oct. 27, 2020

This form is closed. Please contact your school for further information.
11,500 Enrollment by 2025
85% Graduation Rate by 2025
90% Attendance by 2025