Sign-up for Strengthening Relationships Between Law Enforcement and the Community

Strengthening Relationships Between Law Enforcement and the Community

Facilitator - Officer David Burke Lansing Police Department
Wednesday, March 24, 2021, 5:30-6:30pm

Over the past few years, the media has depicted individuals in Law Enforcement in a very negative light based on the actions of a select few. This has led to a lack of trust, support, and belief in the system among members of the Lansing Community. Are the police here to serve and protect? Should we be fearful of the police? What are the expectations of citizens when we are pulled over by the police? What are our rights? Participants will have the opportunity to take part in an open dialogue with the Lansing Police Department to have questions answered, while expressing their concerns related to interactions with the police department.


11,500 Enrollment by 2025
85% Graduation Rate by 2025
90% Attendance by 2025