Bond Construction Update - December 2017
The Lansing School District has much to be thankful for this holiday season with progress being made on the Lansing Pathway Promise Bond. The progress of construction work continues at full speed into the colder months.
At Fairview (left), the exterior masonry walls have been erected and the window openings are beginning to be filled with the new glazing systems. Exterior cladding in the form of insulated metal panels are also being installed, so the envelope of the building is becoming complete to the point where temporary heating of the new space can take place to facilitate on-going interior construction. At the new Administrative offices, the installation of drywall is completed, and prime painting is nearly done. It is intended that the connection between the new office space and the existing offices be completed over winter break in order to finish the new offices before the end of the school year; a necessary milestone to accommodate renovation of the existing offices into educational space over the summer of 2018.
The planning for the next phase of construction to take place within the District wrapped up in November. Plans for additions to Post Oak School, and the additions and renovations to the current Pattengill School (New Eastern HS) were released for bidding on November 28th, with bids due on December 20, 2017. This work will begin in the late Spring of 2018, with completion of both schools in 2019.
Planning for the creation of a new athletic field complex for Eastern High School is scheduled to wrap up in December of 2017, and be released for bidding in January of 2018.
For the technology component of the Pathway Promise Bond projects, progress is also being made. New security cabling and cameras will be installed over the winter at all District buildings along with a new video surveillance management system that will be web accessible to authorized users and will streamline the public safety operations within the District. In addition to better cameras in more locations, the system will provide faster search functions for the District Public Safety officers and the Lansing Police Department when investigating incidents on school property. A decision is pending on the award of contracts for classroom technology, and once this selection is approved by the Board of Education, work on the deployment of new audio and visual display systems for the classrooms will begin.